Inspiring Reminders to Think, Live and Love Well

Inspiring Reminders to Think and Live Well

Thursday, January 21, 2016

I think I can, I think I can!

"The only way out is through"
                                     Robert Frost

Keep your eye on the rewards, even when your belly is frozen. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

One Small Step

What is one small step you can take today to get a little closer to your goal?  

Just a baby step is all you need to JUST START on the path to something greater, to begin to carve out the path to the life you deserve.

Ready...... Set...... Tiptoe forward!!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Aaaaah, Winter, I'm trying really hard to LOVE YOU!

Seriously, it's beautiful,right?  This gorgeous winter scene.  Yes, looking out from inside a warm and cozy room, it is awfully pretty.  And AWFULLY COLD?  The only way to survive a Canadian winter with a somewhat intact sense of mental health is to embrace winter and what it can do for you!  Yes, how do we get the most of this season that lasts at least two thirds of the year - you know what I mean, Calgary!  So, haul out the long underwear, the mitts and scarves and gloves...  if you are dressed  for it, you can enjoy the squeaky crunch of snow pack under your boots, and the sparkly glitter of frost on the tree branches.  Inhale the frosty, clean, clear breath of freshness, renewal and positive energy.  Exhale the old and the tired and the "I'm done with that!"