Smiling is powerful. It feels good to wear one, to give one away, and to receive one. It's a free and easy way to share happiness and caring.
We usually think of a smile following a happy feeling. We feel good, then the smile naturally forms on our face. But, did you know that it can work the other way, too? When you're feeling neutral, or even sad, try a smile, and keep it there for as long as you can. When our facial muscles are activated in the shape of a smile, a feedback loop to our brain is also activated. Our brain gets the message - "if my face is smiling, I must be feeling good" - and sure enough, our emotions can start to lighten up as well. Smiling actually changes our physiology. A smile releases endorphins, and the mood-stabilizing neurochemical serotonin. Smiling lowers blood pressure and boosts immunity.
How about adding some "Smile Therapy" to your life?
I try to think positive as much as I can, but smiling hurts my cheeks. ;-)