Inspiring Reminders to Think, Live and Love Well

Inspiring Reminders to Think and Live Well

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

You Go, Girl!

March 8 is International Women's Day - a day to celebrate the wonderful achievements of the many women who have paved the way for greater rights and freedoms of girls and women today and for future generations. This is the 100th year of celebrations.  Let's make sure that the progress continues so our daughters all over the world can grow up in an atmosphere of  safety and security, hope, optimism and equal opportunity!


  1. Thanks for sharing this. Didn't know about IWD! Interestingly, I run a women's charity event called "You Go Girl!" ( I'm a fellow NewBloggersClub member, and I look forward to getting to know you. Please visit my blog, too:

  2. IWD is a very sacred holiday in my heart. We celebrated it every year in high school with women around the globe, and I'll always remember that!

    Happy to have found you through the Comment Love Weekend! And love all of the positive energy you have here!

    I'm over at
